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Monday, June 20, 2011

Trust (2011)

As I promised, this isn't a review about another romantic comedy. This is a drama about a serious subject that not many people accept as a reality.
"Trust" goes through how pedophiles lure young children into believing that they are "friends" who understand them. How parents react when they find out they had no inkling of what was going on, right in front of them all the while. How the child is groomed by the molester and comes to believe that nothing wrong happened and that he (the pedophile) isn't to be blamed, until that nagging feeling of guilt and violation comes to light.

What might surprise you is that pedophiles aren't what you picture them to be. They don't necessarily have crooked, stained teeth with lecherous eyes. They are among us, as teachers, counselors and in other such respectable positions. They have access to children. The last scene in the movie shows you that. lists some statistics from India about child molestation. The numbers are quite alarming and the statistics are not in favor of our children. Don't assume that statistics are just a manipulation of numbers and only represent a sample group. If anything, it could only be the tip of an iceberg.

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